My Log fitness planner is a self-initiated creative exploration to create a simple and intuitive exercise logging system for my personal use and for anyone else interested in tracking their fitness performance.
Product Design, Graphic Design, Print Design, Branding, Photography
Product Design, Graphic Design, Print Design, Branding, Photography
When I was a teen growing into a young adult I had low self-confidence due to my skinny-as-bone physical appearance. At age 19 I began smoking cigarettes out of peer pressure. Two years later the addiction was beginning to really impact my overall health and energy level. After several failed attempts at losing the bad habit I decided to do something drastic, join a gym and start lifting weights to battle the frustration. I quickly quit smoking, but to my surprise, this step unlocked one of my life’s greatest passions which I’ve been going with ever since. Over the years I transformed my body into a form I am happy and comfortable with. Today I have the blessing of sharing my passion for exercising with my wife. Together, with dedication, research and clean nutrition, we are both looking and feeling healthier than ever! Throughout this journey I’ve completed countless weight lifting programs, cardiovascular routines and personal exercise logs. With my background in Graphic Design, I decided to take all this knowledge and bicep curl it into a series of fitness planners, for not only my wife and I, but to everyone interested in using it for their personal benefit. |
Want to enhance your personal fitness?
Get the workout logs below and go twerk that body!
My Workout Log Pro
My Workout Log
My Cardio Log